
Showing posts from April, 2018

Developing Mathematical Inquiry in a Learning Community Professional Development Day 2

Developing Mathematical Inquiry in a Learning Community Professional Development Day 2 If anything, this programme is about teaching resilience. Never be afraid to make the problems really hard. I’ve been in classes where children do not know the answer but they learning that occurred in finding that answer was HUGE. Record what has worked well for you and why - it has been cool to see kids who are not confident in maths, or struggle giving it more of a go, and to see kids being challenged and feeling like they are all equal to each other, e.g. mixed ability groups. Record what you have noticed about how your students feel and act about this way of learning maths - I think at the beginning they were a bit hesitant/ confused. It is a very different way of learning maths to what we normally do, HOWEVER, after establishing the group norms and getting more used to DMIC, the children have enjoyed working in groups and taking charge of their learning. They have also liked being

Making Maths Count Session 2: Getting Started and Number Knowledge, with Jo Knox

Making Maths Count Session 2: Getting Started and Number Knowledge Jo Knox, 10.4.18 What info do I want to collect, why do I want to collect it, and how am I going to use it? Jo gave us this piece of paper. She asked us to use to to colour a little picture of a teacher we were given and once we had done that we put our picture on the board. Our discussion is below. Looking at our data - what does it mean .. what are we going to do with it? No one in our group felt confident teaching maths, there seems to be an equal spattering of yellow and blue. At the moment it is a jumble of data.. What might we do to help ourselves out … sort them. Decided to start with confidence. What can we say from this? Half of us are lacking confidence.. Good that we didn’t say most, to say MOST it must be more than half!! We could say ‘more’. Time to look at assessment data. Is there number knowledge that they don’t have that is stopping them from getting the strategy?